How to brand your business using content

Closeup of a desk with a stack of books topped with a book titled Style Brand.

Today’s consumers are inundated with information. For potential customers to become familiar with your B2B company, you need to know how to brand your business so you can drive awareness and keep your organization at the forefront of people’s minds

Getting familiar with your buyers can help you build trusting relationships and convey your brand’s message clearly to an engaged audience. Leveraging branding tips to drive awareness can expand your reach, increase your website traffic and generate leads, all while giving you a leg up on your competitors. 

Creating content is an excellent way to build brand awareness. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to brand your business using content in five ways that will make your B2B company recognizable and relatable:

  • Tell compelling stories

  • Become known as an expert

  • Write with a distinct brand voice

  • Showcase your brand values

  • Take a customer-centric approach

5 ways to brand your business using content

1. Tell compelling stories

Try different approaches to weave an intriguing narrative. Draw readers in with valuable information in blog posts, awe viewers with stunning visuals, or inform and connect with your audience through webinars and videos that educate and provide insight into your products and services. 

Creating an emotional connection with your target market is one of the most important branding tips you can follow, and should be a key goal when developing your B2B company’s content marketing strategy. Tell stories that are real and convey a human element so your audience will see your brand as more than just a business seeking their hard earned dollars. 

2. Become known as an expert

Niche down! Get specific about which topics you cover and stick to those subjects when developing content. Everyone knows Bill Nye the Science Guy, and they wouldn’t expect him to create a cake decorating tutorial. By getting clear about your offerings and learning exactly what your customers require from you, you can easily position your B2B company as the top choice for your audience by speaking directly to them as an expert in your field. 

Consider how to brand your business and build your reputation as an industry leader at the same time. You can’t sell to everyone, but customers will open up their wallets for a service or product they trust.

3. Write with a distinct brand voice

Having a strong personality is not a bad thing. Incorporating consistency and clarity of purpose into your messaging are key branding tips for establishing a recognizable and memorable voice, which your audience will come to know you for.

When considering how to brand your business with content, evaluate the words, images and marketing tactics you use to portray your B2B company’s personality and create a lasting impression on your customers.

4. Showcase your brand values

The content you create or share should be true to your brand values. For example, at Scribe National, one of our brand values is “curiosity”. We want to encourage our clients to be creative and bold, so we regularly post about unique marketing campaigns on social media to inspire our audience and encourage them to try new things.

Making your values clear to your audience so they know exactly where your company stands is one of the best branding tips to follow in today’s current marketing landscape. As the saying goes, “A confused mind never buys.”

5. Take a customer-centric approach

Launching a new company or product is not the end of your branding journey. You must continue to deepen your connection with your audience through the content you create to positively influence their perception of your organization.

While exploring how to brand your business through content, make sure the blog posts, customer stories and ebooks you publish serve to help your readers achieve their goals. Ask your customers for feedback and implement it to improve your offerings.

Discover how to brand your business successfully

Branding your B2B company with carefully crafted, compelling messaging is essential to getting your marketing off the ground and driving revenue for your organization.

Scribe National’s B2B Foundations content creation package provides you with the four critical marketing components you need to articulate your brand in words, connect with your audience and convert them into customers.

Explore the package and book a call to learn how it can work for your company.


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