Successful blogs: 4 examples from B2B companies

Woman working at a desk.

Blogging is essential to increasing your website traffic and to building relationships with your prospects and customers. Publishing consistent blog posts offers an opportunity to alleviate the cost of advertising, and add personality to your B2B company’s brand. Successful blogs don’t need to be as entertaining as Jimmy Fallon’s Lip Sync Battle, but they do need to deliver engaging and relatable content.

Companies with blogs experience 126% higher lead growth than those without. Your buyers are looking for a connection before they commit to a purchase, and blogging is an effective way to show you understand their needs. In this post, we’ll discuss:

  • blogging basics, including the factors that contribute to successful blogs

  • the blogs of four industry leaders who are keeping their content fresh and inspiring

  • how you can grow your blog with high quality content

Why your B2B company should prioritize blogging

Have you ever wondered if people even read anymore? The popularity of video content and video-based social media platforms may be on the rise, but a solid 77% of internet users still read blogs. With a targeted strategy, your blog can drive sales for your B2B company. 

Create long-form content to reinforce your authority and knowledge. The ideal length of a blog post intended to generate leads is 2,500 words. In-depth coverage of topics your prospects and customers want to learn about can lead to better search rankings, as well as solidify your brand as a trustworthy resource.

4 examples of successful blogs

What makes a successful blog? First, catch your reader’s attention. Start with an interesting hook that makes your audience want to find out more. It’s not enough to just answer questions — your blog posts need to be engaging and provide actionable steps for your reader to solve their problem. 

Encourage prospects and customers to return to your blog by pairing the industry insights you share with a new perspective or creative delivery to add entertainment value. You don’t have to be SNL-level funny, but your material shouldn’t read like a dishwasher user manual. 

In addition to these blogging basics, there are many other factors that go into creating excellent B2B blog content. Let’s walk through some examples of successful blogs so you can see what they do well.

1. Comscore

Comscore has a competitive advantage because of its business function — collecting and analyzing data. As an internet analytics company, Comscore leverage its own data to create unique content that’s difficult for others to reproduce. This gives great value to the company’s blogs and readers.

You don’t need to be in the business of data collection to use this strategy. Simply consider what sets your company apart from competitors and leverage it in your blog posts. 

2. Drift

Drift has created a strong brand as a conversational marketing platform. The chat software company’s blogs usually feature easy-to-read lists, a casual tone, and images of employees to humanize the brand. Drift also publishes case studies, podcast transcripts and behind the scenes insight to further establish its expertise with readers.

3. General Electric Reports

General Electric uses its large product range to the company’s advantage. Its blog focuses on innovation, featuring interviews with unique perspectives on a broad range of topics. General Electric highlights how its products have a positive global influence, which adds human interest to the organization’s content.

4. OpenView

OpenView is a venture capital firm that focuses on B2B SaaS companies. Its content is curated specifically for businesses in that space, often featuring work from other relevant sources to create comprehensive guides for readers. OpenView’s niche market makes it easier for the company to speak directly to its audience with message clarity and specific information.

Grow your blog with high quality content

Successful blogs invest time in thoroughly researched and flawlessly written content. Ready to beef up your blog, but not sure where to start? Download our free essential content checklist, a 10-page guide and checklist to help you make your B2B content writing sharper than a brand new pencil.


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